Page 20 - E57_E59_SR17_Inhalt.indd
P. 20

E57.A12 (Substitute LNK-P5X)
          650 … 4200V DC

                                                                                             HIGH  HIGH
                          DC capacitors compatible with ICAR LNK-P5X
                          DC-Kondensatoren kompatibel mit ICAR LNK-P5X                  LO W

                        Standards ......................................................IEC 61071:2007   C N  tolerance Toleranz ..............................................±10%
                                                  optional: IEC 61881:2010  tanδ 0 ........................................................................2 × 10 -4
                        can Gehäuse ..................................................Plastic (UL94:V0)  operating temperatures Betriebstemperaturen
                        mounting position Einbaulage ......................optional beliebig  Θ min ... Θ max ...........................................................-25 ... 85°C
                        filling material Füllmittel .............................PUR (solid fest)  Θ HOTSPOT .................................................................≤ 85°C
                                                                       Humidity Class Feuchteklasse  ..............................T1 (IEC 62498-1)
                        internal protection interne Sicherung .........none keine  storing temperature Lagertemperatur ..................-40 ... +85°C
                        fire load Brandlast ........................................40 MJ/kg  statistical lifetime statistische Lebensdauer .......> 100 000h
                                                                       failure rate Ausfallrate ...........................................100 FIT
                                                                       (reference service period_Referenzbetriebsdauer 100000 h, ΘHOTSPOT  ≤ 70°C)

                          U N  DC  C N  U R    U S   U BB  DC  R S  R th  I max  Î  I S   L e  m   order no.
                          (V) ≤  (μF)  (V)    (V)   (V)   (mΩ)  (K/W)  (A)   (kA)  (kA)  (nH)  (kg)  Bestell-Nr.
                            650  10000  100  975   975    0.2   1.3   300    10    40    40    16   E57.A12-1060xx
                            800  8000  150   1200  1200   0.3   1.3   200    10    40    40    16   E57.A12-8050xx
                            900  5000  200   1350  1350   0.34  1.3   150    10    40    40    16   E57.A12-5050xx
                           1000  4000  200   1500  1500   0.26  1.3   210    10    40    40    16   E57.A12-4050xx
                           1100  5500  200   1650  1650   0.25  1.3   250    30    80    45    16   E57.A12-5550xx
                           1200  4500  200   2000  1800   0.31  1.3   210    10    40    40    16   E57.A12-4550xx
                           1300  3600  200   1950  1950   0.31  1.3   200    10    40    40    16   E57.A12-3650xx
                           1750  2150  200   2625  2625   0.31  1.3   200    10    40    40    16   E57.A12-2150xx
                           2100  1500  200   3600  3300   0.35  1.3   200    10    40    40    16   E57.A12-1551xx
                           2200  1300  200   3600  3300   0.35  1.3   200    10    40    30    16   E57.A12-1350xx
                           2600  900   200   3900  3900   0.35  1.3   180    8     35    40    16   E57.A12-9040xx
                           3000  700   170   4500  4500   0.38  1.3   200    7     30    40    16   E57.A12-7040xx
                           3200  500   200   4800  4800   0.38  1.3   200    7     30    40    16   E57.A12-5040xx
                        Other ratings and terminal options available on request.
                        Andere Nennwerte und Anschlussvarianten auf Anfrage erhältlich.

                            xx = 20                                  xx = 10

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